Monday, June 26, 2006

You Know You've Lived in Asia When...

Well, we've just passed the one year mark on being in Thailand. Yes, one year of kicking it in Asia, and getting it done. Thinking back over the past year, so much has happened that it is incredible. I know I've settled into this place, this way of living, this culture and I'm sure J-Dubb would say the same.

Here is the Top 10 list of quotes that show we've been in Asia a while:

10. "Did you see that family of 5 on that motorbike?" "Yeah, could have fit one more."
9. "Got immodium?"
8. "That alley smelled like a wet rotting yaak covered in fecal matter." "Yeah, so much better than yesterday."
7. "What's a water heater?"
6. "$6 for an hour-long massage? Who'd pay that?!?"
5. "I could really go for some fried crickets right now"
4. "You know, durian doesn't smell that bad."
3. "You donn haf to wordy. Veddy cheeep!"
2. "Can I have more ice in my beer please?"
And the number one quote...
1. "Did she really just touch his hand in public? What a slut!"

There's more where that came from. Keep the comments coming!

Friday, June 16, 2006

They call him Blizz

So Bear now is referring to himself as "The Blizz." I'm not sure where this came from, and I'm sure he will blow more wind about it than the calm side of a duck's ass, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that a girl commented on his pale skin by calling him "casper." I would defend such a comment except for the fact that it's a raw freak of nature to see such an Irish lad could be so white despite the fact that he lives in a tropical climate.

We're putting a punching bag in the backyard to do a wee bit of Muay Thai training, and I think the "casper" comment forced Bear into a state of utter frenzy.

Going through Bear's mind, "Fuck yeah I'm white. Fuck yeah I'm gonna fuck some shit up. Call me the Fuckin' White Blizzard!" [FN1]

This then got shortened to "The Blizz". It reminds of when Johnny D [FN2] decided that he wanted to be called "T-Bone". I distinctly remember the Puma launching into in a magnificent diatrible against people giving themselves their own nicknames. We'll see if "The Blizz" sticks. For now we have a note written on our white board that says, "Things to Get: Hammack Stand, Liquid Blizz Recepticals". I think the latter refers to blowjobs.

[FN1] Bear's anger has been much better in the last week.
[FN2] Johnny D and Bear resemble each other in remarkable ways. Very, very strange how similar, in fact.

~ J-Dub

All that jelly and no toast

Bear and I just got back from a night out at RCA, and boy do I wish I had brought a digi camera. I swear I have never seen so many hot Thai girls in one place at the same time. Usually walking down any given street in Bangkok roughly 1 out of 13 girls catches my eye. But tonight was different. Way different. We're talking 1 in 2. Outrageous. Strictly speaking, crazy hot Thai ass everywhere.

The Blizz and I found ourselves hungry and in need of booze as the night started. The internet prooved (as it usually does.... what did people do before the internet? I try to remember those fond days..) to yield the much needed source of hot ass enlightenment. We found RCA. It's a strip of bars / discos packed full of young, hot Thai girls. Not heaven, but close.

Having a girlfriend now, I upheld my respectable character by making the peanut butter jelly sandwich which I made upon arrival at cosa del Cali Thais the highlight of the night. It almost surpassing the hot ass.

~ J-Dub

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Hostel Project

Check out my boy J-Morte's new album "Devil's Advocate" at The Hostel Project. Do it!

A new song posted every Monday morning.

~ J-Dub

Cooling off Gore's Warming Warning

Great article in the Canadian Free Press rebutting Gore's claims about the imminent Global Warming crisis. Not only does it give the other side of the story, but more importantly (I think) shows how both parties use "intelligence" to create uneeded fear in the American public.

Looks like the Republicans aren't the only ones "lying to America," as Liberals are fond of saying.

~ J-Dub

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Travel News Headline of the Day

"Vietnam gears up for minority of tourists who exploit children sexually: - Full story here

Are there editors in Asia? because that just doesn't sound right.