Monday, June 26, 2006

You Know You've Lived in Asia When...

Well, we've just passed the one year mark on being in Thailand. Yes, one year of kicking it in Asia, and getting it done. Thinking back over the past year, so much has happened that it is incredible. I know I've settled into this place, this way of living, this culture and I'm sure J-Dubb would say the same.

Here is the Top 10 list of quotes that show we've been in Asia a while:

10. "Did you see that family of 5 on that motorbike?" "Yeah, could have fit one more."
9. "Got immodium?"
8. "That alley smelled like a wet rotting yaak covered in fecal matter." "Yeah, so much better than yesterday."
7. "What's a water heater?"
6. "$6 for an hour-long massage? Who'd pay that?!?"
5. "I could really go for some fried crickets right now"
4. "You know, durian doesn't smell that bad."
3. "You donn haf to wordy. Veddy cheeep!"
2. "Can I have more ice in my beer please?"
And the number one quote...
1. "Did she really just touch his hand in public? What a slut!"

There's more where that came from. Keep the comments coming!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just ate fried crickets yesterday ... just kidding I had a hamburger at Polkers!

Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:08:00 AM  
Blogger Cali Thais said...

MMMMmmmmm.... Polkers. I miss the curly fries.

Saturday, July 01, 2006 1:00:00 AM  

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