Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This is Genius

Bear and I had a urinal at our house in BKK, and we never thought of this. Wow, leave it to a four star hotel in Southern Vietnam, and you get this!

Not in The China, But Close

This is actually in S.F.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Greatful Dead, Golfing, and Cambodia

I miss golf... a lot. Now that Siem Reap has two golf courses, I was hoping I would get a chance to play. Unfortunately, I haven't yet because prices are completely unreasonable - $70 for 9 holes at Angkor Golf Resort, and over a hundred bones for 18 holes at the Sofitel course. Ok, ok, they are nice courses (supposedly - I've only seen the Sofitel course), but it's just ridiculous to expect to pay that much. So on principle alone I'm waiting to play in Thailand.

To give you an idea of how golf and Cambodia mix, here is the quote from the American who won the inaugural Cambodian Open hosted last week in Siem Reap:
"This is awesome. I would like to dedicate this win to the Grateful Dead, as they have inspired me all the way," said Saltus, who has attended 153 concerts. (Full Article Here)

Go figure. Caution: the photo in the link above is kinda scary.

~ J-Dub

Friday, December 07, 2007

Suitcase Blues

I laughed to myself the other day when I realized that the extent of what I own fits into two bags that I can carry-on any international flight. In one way, it's liberating. I can book a flight tomorrow and pretty soon be in Botswana.

In another way, I do miss having a home. When Robert Earl Keen says, "there's nothin' better than your own backyard," I can't help but to become insanely jealous of everyone who has that comfort. The only way I can rationalize around it is to think that I would probably be bored quickly of having a backyard and soon want to be where I am now with my two suitcases.

Yet by living modestly for the past few years in Asia, I have a great sense of what I need versus what I want. It's a great perspective to have. I guess this happens when all day your around locals who are careful about spending 2,000 Riel [FN1].


[FN1] 4,000 Riel = 1 USD

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Serious Shit

I'm telling you; letting your kid poop in public is not cool. Dropping your infant's trousers to let him or her poop in the middle of busy market helps no one. Ok, Ok. I understand you don't have to find a toilet so you can hover over your assortment of twenty-cent-per-pair-cheap-ass socks that only Big Bird would buy, but really, that's just plain lazy.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

China Makes No Sense

I don't care what anyone says, this country has a long way to go.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

What's Up is What's Going Down

J-Dub is back in the 'Bodia. It's been a crazy month, and no doubt this month will be no different since I'll be leaving at the new year. So many posts brewing in the back of my dome, but since I can't think of any right now you'll have to wait. But the big news is that J-Dub is leaving the 'Bodia, and with the end of that chapter will be the end of the Cali Thais. So the Cali Thais will be posting until the end of the year.... Don't cry the 5 people who still care about the Cali Thais.