Wednesday, August 24, 2005

KanYe ta the...

It's got to be one of the most highly anticipated albums of the year-- "Late Registration" by rapper/producer Kanye West and it will hit shelves August 30, or so we all hope. This follow up album comes after almost non-stop work producing other artists, since his debut album"College Dropout." There aren't too many albums that you can listen to from beginning to end these days, but "College Dropout" defenitely is.

Yeah, he's a pimp and he knows it. But the odd thing about people like West and the hip-hop community in general is that they are trapped by their own success. Most artists today in the game rap about how they "floss" with their "stunnas, chains, and whips" but that's about all they can manage to talk about. Birdman, what!

So when someone like West comes along and has something to say (he really thinks he does), and then says it, what does he do next? It will be a challenge for him. Take for example when West says shit like, "my music isn’t just music – it’s medicine. I want my songs to touch people, to give them what they need. Every time I make an album, I’m trying to make a cure for cancer, musically. That stresses me out!" Well no shit. Good thing you dropped of college. - J-Dub

Post Post. Best lyrics of "College Dropout" -- from Last Call

"Brains, power, and muscle
like Dame, Puffy, Russel,
your boy back on this hussel
killin' ya'll niggas wit that lyrical shit,
mayonaise colored bienz I push miracle whips,
... and I am...."

No English Television -- Good thing for the Sopranos

Fuckin' A - I miss good old American television. The BET with breakfast, The Shield on Tuesdays, and an occasional Meet the Press on Sunday. Well to fill that void, enter the magic wonder of DVDs. Our cousin gave us Season One and Two of The Sopranos and let me tell you, this show kicks ass. I had have always heard good things about it, but seriously, it's on the level of The Shield. And the best way to watch it is unmistakably on DVD (or perhaps Tivo).

Total episodes viewed thus far: 7.
Total episodes produced thus far produced: 52.

- Dubski