The Power of Flow

So to put all rumors to rest - the ladies love Bear. We were at the new Siam Paragon (15Billion Baht new) mall last weekend, when Bear was approached by 6 fine Thai girls dressed in yellow sun dresses along with two older ladies and a middle aged dude. They all sort of crowded around us and Bear and I were a bit confused about how to react. But one of the ladies explained that they were scouting agents from Abercrombie and told us that the company is launching a huge presence in Thailand this Spring and they are looking for models.
They basically were talking directly to Bear, so I just smiled and listened. So I was surprised when they asked us both to do a fashion shoot with them. Hesitant, I declined as male-modeling is not my thing. But Bear was a little more adventurous. He gave them his info and they said they would call him soon. Just after they left, two of the girls came back and asked him for his number. That bastard- it's amazing how chicks just gaze into his eyes dreaming of little Bear babies.....
Sure enough Abercrombie called the next day on Sunday. They agreed to meet out where we live, so Bear did a photo-shoot with them. Wow was it a production. And wow were there some fine ladies. There were about ten people for the camera crew alone. They had a whole truck designated for clothes, and two other model dudes (one Thai, one other white dude). The whole event was pretty quick - they wrapped up everything in two hours. But they blocked off a whole square block in the process.
I was able to sneak a pic of Bear on my digi-camera. They said it will be in the new Abercrombie Spring line.
Not only is Bear now a male model, the 70's are back this Spring.
~ J-Dub
Dude, the weirdest thing happened the other night. I had the same dream... or was it deja-vuz?
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