Visitors Visit

The Cali Thais are happy to report on the newest of their visitors - Frenchy!, a hilarious dude who is a SF resident and a UCD lacrosse alumni. Before his arrival I warned him over SKYPE Phone that he ought to prepare himself for the ladies. You see, Frenchy a handsome dude and has naturally blond hair and white, white skin to complement his light colored eyes. This is the perfect combination of attributes that will send a young Thai girl into an infatuation frenzy.
Well his second night here he met a cute girl and now he can't get enough (and neither can she). I think it's great for him disregarding the fact that his travel plans are now foiled. Because in lieu of waking up early to go to Hua Hin and instead of watching Harry Potter in VIP luxury seats yesterday night, he chose hanging out with his new girlfriend at a club where he helped finish the majority of a bottle of Johnny Walker's Black Label. Needless to say, he is over his jet lag and onto just plain lag today. (The VIP luxury theaters are awesome by the way. They have huge lazy boy recliner seats, attendants who serve you anything you would like from snacks to a full bar. Great sound, huge screen. Booze is extra but a huge basket of carmel popcorn and salted popcorn served for free.)
While it's not surprising that Frenchy found a cute girl who is cool and who likes him, it is interesting that he managed this with a full beard. We're not talking a little, we're talking a lot of hair. The kind that all the dudes go, "Wow man, that beard rocks," but all the chicks simply say, "I think you look better without it." I reckoned before he got here that Frenchy might have some difficulty with the ladies if he sports facial hair because all the feedback Bear and I receive about beards is negative or inconclusive. By inconclusive I mean the nay balls response where someone pulls the, "well it's really up to you. If you like it, then you should keep it. Yeah, it's up to you." I hate it when people do not have the huevos to opine. C'mon, you either like it or ya don't. Go ahead and say it.
For instance, I was getting my laundry back from our laundry lady down the road, and I had about a two week scruff going. I liked not having to shave, but was pretty indifferent about it. Curious, I asked her to opine on it. With her limited English vocabulary, she responded by saying my name and making her hands into the form of guns and pretended to shoot. Yeah, she was saying that I looked like a robber. Fortunately, Frenchy doesn't look like a robber with his beard. Instead he looks like a truck driver who sells meth out of his big rig when he puts on his blue aviator sunglasses.
It's Frenchy!
~ J -Dub
Bro, I have to comment on the frenchy post, particularly since I'm half through a handle of Johnny Black myself tonight. Dubs you know beards in our family suck. On the other hand, Frenchy's is cool. See the difference.
BTW, can we get some meth from your bearded trucker friend over Christmas?
cheers mate. See you in CA
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