Back in Bangkok

Unfortunately, I got deathly ill on the 10 hour bus ride back. A bad bout with the runs and nausia has left me bed ridden. Who knows the genises of the culprit? Brushing my teeth with tap water? Contaminated food? Shaking hands with that old guy from the village? If the symptoms don't improve in 3 days I'm going to the doc. And I was just on Cipro 2 weeks ago too...
This illness has delayed training in my new favorite sport: Kick Boxing. While in Cambodia, I started to train with my cousin and the Cambodian army guys. The facilites are lackluster at best, and the verbal dialogue minimal. With fighting, explainations can be summed up pretty quickly without words. We now have a punching bag at our house in BKK.
More later, - J-Dub
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