It's Funny Because It's True
So J-Dubb has cleaned up his act and told you the truth on this one... I did in fact land my first modeling/acting job. Hell, I wasn't even looking for it. I was at a bank one day when a short stalky Thai woman (who I first thought was a short stalky Thai man) stopped me to ask if I wanted to model. I instantly thought, "dude, I'm not gay" but then realized this little chubby being with a butch hair cut was a woman. She goes on to tell me that she is a model agent from a proper agency, and then I think "this is the lamest pickup attempt..." until she produced a card.
After much negotiating over the next several days (with me pretending like I know what the hell I am talking about) I agree to sacrifice my Saturday for a pretty low wage - mostly just to see what it is all about. I show up at the studio just to find out that it was not for a photoshoot as I had thought, but for a tv commercial! Yes, the product was Head and Shoulders, and I was to act the part of a scientist who "after years of scientific research finally hits the pinicle of his carreer because he and his team have finally figured out how to stop Dandruff." Awesome. Probably the cheesiest commercial out there, but if you are in Australia in a few months, look for me... I'll look a bit like below, but with a lab coat and glasses:
Yeah, so it turned out to be a 13 hour day where I had plenty of time to meet my fellow actors/models and learn their whole life story while the other groups were being filmed (they shot the exact same commercial three separate times with different ethnic groups: Asian, Indian, and Caucasian for Australia - 5 out of 6 with blue eyes). I learned during that time that the agency was paying me double what they were paying two other guys for the exact same thing. And, fortunate for me, one of the veterans to the trade told me key points about standards of the industry in Thailand, which earned me another 50% that I wouldn't have known about for them running nearly 3 hours overtime.
After much negotiating over the next several days (with me pretending like I know what the hell I am talking about) I agree to sacrifice my Saturday for a pretty low wage - mostly just to see what it is all about. I show up at the studio just to find out that it was not for a photoshoot as I had thought, but for a tv commercial! Yes, the product was Head and Shoulders, and I was to act the part of a scientist who "after years of scientific research finally hits the pinicle of his carreer because he and his team have finally figured out how to stop Dandruff." Awesome. Probably the cheesiest commercial out there, but if you are in Australia in a few months, look for me... I'll look a bit like below, but with a lab coat and glasses:

By the end of the day, I had cards and numbers for 5 different agencies and learned that a tall, thin white guy can make great money doing fashion shows here - because tall people aren't that common. Who would have thought? It was a long and dull day, but don't let anyone tell you it is very hard. Sure, I'll admit - I'll probably give it another go. I can sure use the money to go towards my next photography purchases, and the experience was kind of fun. But don't worry, I won't let it go to my head... and shoulders.
After all the Zoolander jokes, how are your loyal readers supposed to know you're telling the truth. Can you prove it?
That's a good question. Maybe Bear has a good way to prove it. But I can tell you that I've always been the one, who in the past, has made the outrageous claims and Bear has never acknowledged their authenticity. Of course that is, until now - he admits it's it. Yes, it's true.
To know Bear is to love Zoolander, and to know Zoolander is to love Bear.
~ J-dub
So does this mean your Porn Career has ended?
Did they have good coke?
It's too bad the only coke in Thailand has bubbles in it....
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