Friday, July 13, 2007

Best pick up move

The premise for the following move is so ingenious it should be in a movie [FN1]. Although it has yet to be tested outside of my dome, the sheer hilarity of it even if you fuck up bad would be awesome. It's too bad Johnny D isn't here right now, because he would be perfect to play the following Dude. A drunk Johnny D, of course.

Here's the typical situation: Hot girl is talking with friend(s) in a club or bar. Dude needs an 'in' to break the ice.

Here's the solution: Dude politely interrupts and introduces himself. He explains he has a friend who has been watching her all night and who really likes her 'style' but this friend is too shy to talk to her. So the dude proceeds to tell her about his friend - a few intimate details mixed with flirtatious banter. Then the dude asks if she would be kind enough to meet him. At this point, it's up to the girl to give the yeah or nay. If she says yes, then all dude has to do is reintroduce himself...... The 'friend' was the dude.

But for it to work, it requires a few things done well:

1.) The dialog must be prepped beforehand. The delivery should be completely natural.

2.) Dude must make the girl laugh in some way, like with a corny joke that the 'friend' told him. That way, the girl is prepped for the zing.

3.) Dude should mention something else ridiculous that he can use after the 'in', like saying 'just so you know he has a tendency to get naked in public places.'

4.) Have a friend fairly close by who can overhear the conversation. If it bombs, he can jump in to save the Dude by introducing himself, and trying the routine again.

When are you coming out, Johnny D ?

~ J-Dub

[FN1] If anyone has seen a movie with a scene like this in it, please let me know which movie. If it has already been done, I am completely willing to accept that. It's like time when I was in 7th grade and wanted to patent an ingenious idea that was sure to make me rich - vehicle headlights that moved in accordance with the steering wheel. Turns out, it was already invented some 60 years earlier, referred to as 'directional headlights'.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dubs, your going schitzo already and you've only just left BKK. You had me at need to try so hard.

Best pick up line ever - Jon Lovitz: "Did I mention I have a penis?"

Friday, July 13, 2007 9:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent idea. I think Johnny D is the prime candidate for this sort of thing, but since he has a girlfriend now, I suggest Pete.

Sunday, July 15, 2007 9:50:00 AM  
Blogger Cali Thais said...

Yeah, Pete could definitely nail it !

Sunday, July 15, 2007 6:39:00 PM  

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