The Platapus is Forced to Retreat to Back to Her Semi-Aquatic Habitat

I started calling this girl the platatus when I noticed that every time she didn't understand something in English, she would pucker up her lips to such an amazing resemblence to a platapus that the name was born. Add that to the fact that she misunderstood just about everything I said, and wow - you've got a nick-name that sticks almost as well as the PUMA.
I want to make this point clear - this tale is not just a humorous anecdote but it also serves as an archetype example of just how crazy Thai girls are.
I'm just glad Bear escaped unscathed. Good for you Bear.
~ J-dub
That is a good nickname, and a homely girl. To mention her in the same sentence as such a noble beast as the platypus is ignonimious to platypi everywhere.
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