Yellow Skin Cream
Last night at the Journeys Within B & B in Camboida, I'm lying in my bed reading when my cousin Brandon comes and knocks on my door. He says you have to come down to the kitchen and see Mon. Now at this point I already know that Mon is probably close to the dumbest girl I've ever met. Like little yellow school bus dumb. But she always has a smile and she is a damn good worker. So when I get downstairs, the whole kitchen wreaks of mustard.
"Why does it smell like mustard?" I ask to Brandon. He just laughs and then appears Mon.
She's in the bathroom washing off a shitload mustard off her arms and face.
"What the hell?" I say, as the whole Cambodian staff is in stiches.
Then she runs out and hits Pwon, who is laughing on the floor.
Brandon finally explains what's going on. When Mon was cleaning the food from the guest's room, there was a small jar of mustard near the finished food, so she picked it up and brought it back to the kitchen. When she asked Pwon what it was, he told her it was skin cream. And since the guests had left, she absconded the strange new, funky smelling substance. She then appartently showered and being freshly cleaned, continued to smear the whole jar of yellow dijon onto her arms, hands, and face.
Talk about a beautiful practical joke. Perfect candidate for the victim. Perfect execution. She smelled worse than a dirty German after a day's housing at Oktoberfest.
"Why does it smell like mustard?" I ask to Brandon. He just laughs and then appears Mon.
She's in the bathroom washing off a shitload mustard off her arms and face.
"What the hell?" I say, as the whole Cambodian staff is in stiches.
Then she runs out and hits Pwon, who is laughing on the floor.
Brandon finally explains what's going on. When Mon was cleaning the food from the guest's room, there was a small jar of mustard near the finished food, so she picked it up and brought it back to the kitchen. When she asked Pwon what it was, he told her it was skin cream. And since the guests had left, she absconded the strange new, funky smelling substance. She then appartently showered and being freshly cleaned, continued to smear the whole jar of yellow dijon onto her arms, hands, and face.
Talk about a beautiful practical joke. Perfect candidate for the victim. Perfect execution. She smelled worse than a dirty German after a day's housing at Oktoberfest.
See, this is a perfect example to support your post below... damn the school systems to let a real thinker like this one slide through the cracks.
I dont know... I've been at oktoberfest at closing time and i think the smell of vomit, beer and piss is alot worse than a lathered up asian lady...what?
Ok, you're right. Correction: I should change it to your average German dude during the middle of the day at Oktoberfest, with an average amount of 10L in his system by 1pm, an average amount of stench, and an average amount of stinky salt pretzels covered in mustard he is trying to shove into his mouth. Mon smelled like that.
Also, you've been to Oktoberfest too, huh? So you can vouch for the fact that all the Italian dudes are sleezy, can't handle their booze, and can completely ruin the whole experience if in large numbers?
Oktoberfest = stupid boys and stupid beers
ill tell you the end of my story... German Prison
wanna Terintino it, let me know.
No way....
Oktoberfest = Big Ass Pretzels + Awesome Beer + Loud Singing and dancing in beer tents - Italian dudes = Awesome Time
Also, German Prision.... Can you say.... GUEST POST !?!
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