Thai Weddings

Weddings are great, no matter where they are. Bear and J-Dub were invited to a wedding this Saturday last by a Thai friend whose cousin was marrying an American dude from Washington DC. It was a great excuse for Bear and I to get dressed up in our custom made Vietnam suits as well as a chance to drink large quantities of free booze. I love weddings.
Well, if anyone has been to a mixed race marriage (this was my first) maybe they can help me out. Do they all seem very awkward for the Westerns? Perhaps one reason -- out of probably 200 Thais on the bride's side, there were at best guess 8 Westerners from the groom's side. Being the minority you could tell the whole groom's side was completely tense and anxious at the whole situation especailly considering this was the first time they'd been out of the country. Both the mom and sister of the groom looked as if they should tell the dude not to go through with it, but so overwhelmed, could only say, "We love you and good luck."
It is said that in Asia love and money are mixed. Meaning, people get married who don't quite love each other. Not exactly that women are gold-diggers in the Western sense, but very close. Women here look for dudes who have the bread and cheese. The starving musican types that eminate sensitivity in the West are scoffed at in the East. These types may be great at listening and singing Kenny Rodgers, but here in Thailand, money talks and bullshit walks.
But hell, who knows. They looked happy and congradulations to them.
Interesting fact: At Thai weddings, it is polite not to look at the camera when taking a photo.
-- J-Dub
The Cali Thais do not endorse the city of Rio Rancho. Furthermore we will continue not to care about New Mexico until Mexico tries to annex the state.
Bear loves to refill his pens, so maybe he like your pen refill site.
Myself on the other hand, couldn't give two shits.
Right On! And you won't get rich watching TV! It just makes sense to treat stuff like this like a real business. But hardly anyone does - mostly hobbiest involved.
I write about direct sales on my site, Hope you visit... Thanks!
Dave Jackson, Naples, FL
Um, "anonymous"... what the hell are you talking about? Oh, and good luck with the pens buddy.
I think the whole "women in love with unemployed, tatooed, indy-music-listening artists" is a San Francisco phenomenon. Here in LA there are plenty of women who put looks and money way ahead of making some sort of activist social statement when choosing a man. Perhaps from the exterior this might seem bad for me since I am not a model and in two weeks I will be unemployed, but it's a victory of principle.
Katon, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman's attraction to an artist. There aren't enough decent artists in the world, nor is there enough decent art. Its not part of our culture. We would rather go to bars and get blazed than go somewhere to appreciate art. Artists should make more money than say, a subprime mortgage salesman, but most artists don't make money for other people, let alone themselves.
Jonny D - I agree, Puma needs to get a better jot than Morgage Salesmen. I enjoy art, and I'm not a Morgage salesmen, so that makes me much, much cooler than Puma. But I gotta say, getting hammered can lead to far more exciting nights than going to an art exhibition as far as the ladies go... unless of course you know your art ;)
Johnny D, artists "deserve" exactly what they get. The good ones are rewarded (e.g. movie directors, etc.) while the bad ones stew in obscurity and wear hipster clothing to their art shows on Haight street. Salesmen get rich because they give people something they want. If more artists would do the same instead of focusing on "art for art's sake", maybe they would get rich too.
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